[Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby deivares on Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:51 pm


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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby PurpleYouko on Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:34 pm

seems like you don't have paths to your libs set up properly in your project properties
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby deivares on Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:32 pm

I could solve all the issues .. Except the project client .. I'm getting this

1>------ Skipped Build: Project: lib_util, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
1>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
2>------ Skipped Build: Project: triggerinfo, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
2>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
3>------ Skipped Build: Project: tgamectrl, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
3>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
4>------ Skipped Build: Project: triggervfs, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
4>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
5>------ Skipped Build: Project: engine, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
5>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
6>------ Build started: Project: client, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
6>Export Game Function Interface C:\Users\DEIVARES\Documents\GitHub\irose\src\client\export_GM.lua
6>Export Quest Function Interface C:\Users\DEIVARES\Documents\GitHub\irose\src\client\export_QF.lua
6>libvcruntimed.lib(chkesp.obj) : error LNK2005: __CRT_RTC_INIT already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(init.obj)
6>libvcruntimed.lib(chkesp.obj) : error LNK2005: __CRT_RTC_INITW already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(init.obj)
6>C:\Users\DEIVARES\Documents\GitHub\irose\bin\debug\trose.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
6>Done building project "client.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 5 skipped ==========

Only 3 errors
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby deivares on Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:25 pm

Forget about it .. It was a configuration in Visual Studio .. I changed debug to release and it worked lolz
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby deivares on Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:45 am

Does anybody know which project's cpp file I have to edit in order to change the damage cap ??
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby PurpleYouko on Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:52 pm

It's defined by the size of the variable that controls the HP.
Start with the basic damage packet 0x0799
that will lead you to function void CRecvPACKET::Recv_gsv_DAMAGE () in RecvPACKET.cpp. From there you can easily look at the definition of the packet receiving structure which will be found in netprototypes.h
The receiving struct looks like this (this is from evo but irose is similar)
  1. struct gsv_DAMAGE : public t_PACKETHEADER
  2. {
  3.     WORD            m_wAtkObjIDX;
  4.     WORD            m_wDefObjIDX;
  6.     uniDAMAGE       m_Damage;
  7.     tag_DROPITEM    m_DropITEM[ 0 ];    // If the value contains only one die of damage. Drop the item index
  8. } ;

Unfortunately uniDAMAGE m_Damage isn't quite s easy to decipher. It's not just a variable. It's a Union made up of various bit structures
  1. union uniDAMAGE
  2. {
  3.     __int64 m_wDamage;              // WORD => __int64 Crystal  
  4.     struct
  5.     {
  6.         DWORD   m_wVALUE;           // Split in bits instead of just writing
  7.         DWORD   m_wACTION;          // Split in bits instead of just writing
  8.     } ;
  9. } ;

So basically the damage from the server will be read into DWORD m_wVALUE
DWORD m_wACTION is used to hold all the animation flags for hit, crit and death. The client reads them in bitwise and acts on them accordingly

finally any damage coming into the client will be used to change the base level variable m_HP that is defined in CObjCHAR.h
  1. class CObjCHAR : public CObjAI
  2. {
  4. protected:
  5.     int                         m_iHP;
  6.     int                         m_iMP;
  7.     int                         m_iMaxHP;
  8.     int                         m_iMaxMP;

int (in this case at least) turns out to be a 32 bit variable. I expect you will find a smaller value such as short in irose source
Also you will not have the m_iMaxHP or m_iMaxMP variables in your code. I added those myself

So if you want to change the minimum damage then you really need to modify all the code that I have highlighted here. Change your 'int's into DWORDs or __uint32 or whatever. Just something that can hold 32 bits then trace through all the placed where m_iHP occurs in the client and change them all so that it doesn't get truncated at some point

Also note that by modifying uniDamage you will be changing the size and structure of quite a few packet recievers so make sure you go through all the packet senders in the server and make sure they are also changed in the same way
I'm not sure if the SHO files share the same NetPrototypes.h file. If it does then great. If not then you need to change its equivalent there.
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby deivares on Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:21 pm

Yes, the server's source shares the same codes than the client .. All the changes I made into client I had to make into SHO_GS .. I'll look better into this file you highlighted .. Thanks a lot for the cooperation !! :D
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby andrezinhoO on Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:33 am

1> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: lib_util, Configuration: Win32 release ------
1> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
2> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: lib_server, Configuration: Win32 release ------
2> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
3> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: triggerinfo, Configuration: Win32 release ------
3> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
4> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: tgamectrl, Configuration: Win32 release ------
4> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
5> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: triggervfs, Configuration: Win32 release ------
5> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
6> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: sho_ls_lib, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
6> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
7> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: sho_gs_lib, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
7> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
8> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: sho_ws_lib, Configuration: Win32 release ------
8> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
9> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: engine, Configuration: Win32 release ------
9> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
10> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: sho_ls_dll, Configuration: debug Win32 ------
10> No project selected to compile this solution solution
11> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: sho_gs_dll, Configuration: Win32 Release ------
11> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
Ticalmente recomp daylight supporting Suites: - - services: free 1800 ------ bedrooms
12> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
13> ------ Total Recompilation Ignored Project: Client, Configuration: Win32 release ------
13> No project selected to compile in this solution solution
========== Recompile All: 0 Successfully, 0 Failed, 13 Ignored ==========

Can someone please help me, I do not know why I do not want to compile.
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Re: [Release] iRose arcturus *cleaned up build*

Postby PurpleYouko on Sun Mar 03, 2019 6:17 pm

You don't need to build ALL the projects
just trose
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